Robertson Simmons Promotional Cards
Architectural card set promoting inspiring school spaces using line traced over the photograph to highlight structural elements of the building—creating an icon system.
Packaged as leave-behind collateral for new client meetings.
Concept, Graphic Design, Print Production
8.5x5.5 printed digital on artist/watercolour cover on colour copier; set of 8 cards
Packaged in cellophane

“Cards are perfect. Line drawing used as logo extremely ingenious and speaks to the kind of logos the school boards use and love. Kind of child-like, colouring-book, manga, but all ‘graphiced’ up and ‘architectured’. Great idea. Strength of mind, strength in your hand—so the line drawings perfectly suited to image of RSai—serious and no-nonsense. I love the cards. That you’ve got the drawing elements included is a perfectly inspired touch for schools…like something waiting to be filled out or the crystallization of a brilliant idea.”
– Architectural Copywriter